How It Works
Step 1:
Sign up and post your profile for free.
Step 2:
Set your rate and availability.
Step 3:
Once you receive a booking, you will receive an email. You will need to log on to the site to confirm the booking to make sure that you are still available for that session.
Step 4:
Please be logged onto Skype or the platform of your choice at least 5 minutes prior to your session.
Step 5:
After the session is complete the payment will be sent to your Paypal account.
Step 6:
Leave feedback for the students as to how they did. They can share this feedback with their friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Step 1:
Find a teacher in a subject you are interested in.
Step 2:
Select an available time-slot from the calendar on the teacher’s profile page.
Step 3:
Book and pay for your selected time slot via Paypal.
Step 4:
Be logged onto Skype or the platform that you and your teacher have selected 5 minutes prior to your scheduled session.
Step 5:
Leave a review for your teacher on the site.
Step 6:
Share all the great things your teacher said about you in their review of you with your friends via Facebook or Twitter.